Problem Description: 

When we upgrade Kinvey iOS SDK to v3.23.0 (or above) on Xcode 10.2.1 and build the project, it fails with a lot of Swift Compiler Errors. These errors are seen in the SDK files like Persistable.swift, PushOperation.swift, FileStore.swift and Query.Swift, HttpRequest.swift, MIC.swift, ObjectMapperJSONParser.swift. 

Steps to Reproduce the issue:

  1. In Terminal, run "pod install" and upgrade the iOS SDK to v3.23.0 (or above)
  2. Open your project in Xcode and build it

Error Message: 

"Value of optional type 'String?' must be unwrapped to a value of type 'String'"


We see this error because CocoaPods is NOT using Swift 5 to compile the Kinvey framework i.e. we are using an old version of the CocoaPods which does not includes the changes for Xcode 10.2 and Swift 5.


  1. Please install the latest version of CocoaPods using "gem install cocoapods --pre". 
  2. Once the CocoaPods in updated then run "pod install" again. This time CocoaPods will use Swift 5 to compile the Kinvey framework and you shouldn't see any errors in the Xcode. 


For details about CocoaPods versions, please check this link: